Christmas In June
The Challenge
Our client placed its holiday bets behind a big ticket category – furniture. However, they needed to better understand how the holiday hosting season influences, impacts and impedes furniture sales to move hearts and feet down aisles.

How We Ran With It
We tapped our proprietary Superstar consumer community to host Christmas-in-June parties for friends and family. We got a sense of what makes for a holiday-ready home, and furniture-shopped with them to get a sense for the strengths and weaknesses of the experience. Holiday entertaining is the Superbowl of parties and a signature affair. We heard all about how homes are dressed & guest-readied which created opportunities for our client to help hosts transform their homes into a holiday wonderland.

Hostesses put a lot of effort into holiday home dressing–it’s a year-round process and a labor of love. Furniture hunting involves a unique, personal curation that feels perfectly right at home. We found windows of opportunity to move furniture and furnishings from wishlists and bucket lists to holiday prep shopping lists through messaging, merchandising, and in-store communication.
The Finish Line